Wills & Estates

Wills & Estates

At O’Neill Delorenzi Nanne, our lawyers offer expertise and guidance to help you navigate through every aspect of estate planning, estate administration, and estate litigation.

No two estates are the same, and our lawyers will work with your to make sure you have peace of mind and an estate plan that is particular to your specific needs.

Our expertise includes:

  • Drafting wills and powers of attorney
  • Applying for certificate of appointment of estate trustee/probate applications
  • Settling an estate including, paying debts, transferring property, receiving life insurance payments
  • Assisting estate trustees with distribution to beneficiaries
  • Estate accounting, including transferring funds including RRSPs, bank accounts, and obtaining the assistance of and consultations with an accountant
  • Estate litigation

If you are unable to make it into our office, our lawyers regularly attend homes, nursing homes, and the hospital to meet clients.


Mandy Lewis


(705) 949-6901, Ext. 230

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